
Mark 10:35-45

Mark 10:35-45

  1. Check Your Motives (Mark 10:35-36,Matthew 20-21)
  • As best we can, we need to get our reason for serving straightened out. Let’s not serve to impress others or to try to gain favor with God. Let’s not serve to impress other people.
  • Jesus asks a question to reveal what they were thinking: “What do you want me to do for you?” A truthful answer to this same question can help us monitor our motives.
  1. Prepare For Problems (Mark 10:39)
  • At its core, baptism means, “to be identified with by being fully submerged.”
  • It will cost you to serve Christ. Are you willing to pay the price?
  1. Elevate Others First (Mark 10:41-45)
  • If we want to become truly great then we must give up personal rights and serve others.
  1. Embrace The Example of Jesus (Mark 10:45)
  • He served the needs of others and then demonstrated the ultimate act of servanthood when He gave His life as payment for our sins so that we can be set free.

Here are 4 Challenges:

  1. Serve Whenever You Can.
  2. Serve Wherever You Can.
  3. Serve Whoever Is in Need.
  4. Be Willing to Do Whatever It Takes.

Who’s willing to be like Jesus?