
Luke 17:11-19

1. The Cry Of The Lepers (Luke 17: 12-14)

They recognized that Jesus was Lord even over disease.  They cry out for mercy because in Him they had some hope and faith that Jesus could heal them.
They only cried out for their physical needs, not their spiritual needs.
They want Jesus to only meet their immediate physical need.
2. Jesus Heals The Obedient (Luke 17:14)
The lepers responded in faith and Jesus healed them on the way.
Many times our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical healing comes to us as we respond in faith to Jesus.
3. The Thankful Return (Luke 17:15-16)
One man was moved by a thankful spirit to acknowledge the significance of what he had been done for him.
When he realized that he was healed, thanksgiving and praise was his response.
Thankfulness brings us close to Jesus and knits our heart to Him.
4. The Lords Reaction (Luke 17:17-19)
Jesus is saddened by the ingratitude of the 9, but joyful over the thankfulness of the 1.
Is an unthankful spirit keeping you from being closer to Jesus?
Return to Jesus in thanksgiving today.